March Meeting Agenda and Signup

Good Afternoon Data Wonks,

Our Thursday, March 15th 12noon meeting agenda and signup are available here:

We will be meeting in room 4198 of Nancy Nicholas Hall (SoHE) – thanks for hosting us, Eric. We are limited to about 20 seats, so let us know if you are planning to make it in person or remotely by using the sign up.

At this meeting we will continue a series of “topic discussions.” This month, Laura will lead a discussion on working with course evaluation data, featuring AEFIS.

If you want to remote into the meeting, here is the video conference link: If you plan to use a mobile device, this kb article might help: You can also phone into the meeting at this number: 571-392-7650 PIN: 1268129338.

Let me know if you have any questions or issues with the links. I hope to see you all next week!

Happy Thursday!